Custom Query (73 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 73)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#97 fixed Drop the entire Manufacturer domain concept Gavin

Following on from ticket #96, the entire Manufacturer domain class is hardly used and can be removed.

#98 fixed Annotation based security is easy to bypass by adding ".html' to the URL Gavin Gavin

Upstream security issue, see:

Recommended fix is to set Config.groovy: grails.mime.file.extensions = false

This did not leave gnuMims completely open to the world since gnuMims was configured with pessimistic security. However a logged in user may access urls that they are not authorised to.

#105 fixed InventoryItemPurchase's can't be deleted when order quantity = 0 Gavin

The rollback deletion is failing. This is working perfectly when ordered quantity > 0 but fails (and allows the order to be deleted) when order quantity = 0.

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'id' on null object

	at InventoryMovementService$_reverseMove_closure1.doCall(InventoryMovementService.groovy:20)

	at $Proxy16.doInTransaction(Unknown Source)

	at InventoryMovementService.reverseMove(InventoryMovementService.groovy:9)

	at InventoryMovementService$ Source)

	at InventoryPurchaseService$_delete_closure5.doCall(InventoryPurchaseService.groovy:196)

	at $Proxy16.doInTransaction(Unknown Source)

	at InventoryPurchaseService.delete(InventoryPurchaseService.groovy:125)

	at InventoryPurchaseService$ Source)

	at InventoryItemPurchaseDetailedController$_closure5.doCall(InventoryItemPurchaseDetailedController.groovy:198)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.