Custom Query (73 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 73)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#62 fixed New report or view: Persons total work done hours Gavin
#63 fixed Upgrade to Grails-1.2.2 Gavin Gavin

Improved stability, speed, dev options GRAILS_OPTS (JAVA_OPTS) and bug fixes and latest plugins.

#64 fixed Task search returns duplicate records during pagination in some circumstances Gavin Gavin

This only occurs with the following conditions:

  1. When not using MySQL or HSQL (i.e. using MSSQL)
  2. When hibernate criteria builder is in use.
  3. When sorting by the attentionFlag column.

The filterPane plugin and some of the quick searches were using the criteria builder.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.