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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#42 Gavin wontfix Work flow for sharing task numbers

With the concept of the maintenance technician entering the task and the production person entering the "fault entry" against that task there needs to be a clear work flow for sharing these task numbers.

One way to do this would be to reserve a number of tasks (say 5) for a technician and provide a report with the task numbers and space to write down the details. The technician could then print the report and hand the reserved numbers out to production as work comes up. Using the printed report to record the details in the space provided for later entering the "work done" into the task number. The production person would then have a task number to enter their "fault entry" against at any time they wish.

Another way to do this would be to make it very easy for the production person to list the "Immediate Callouts" for period and production reference. As these would be the only tasks to which this applies. They would then enter faults against these tasks. The constraint on this would be that all tasks must be entered (with descriptions) before the production person came around to wanting to enter their "fault entries" to produce their production report.

Some CMMS systems require the production person to create the task or work order and provide this number to the technician. This often fails since:

  1. Production personnel don't know the correct asset names, technician or planner then often has to correct or adjust the task details.
  2. The production person's world is often a busy one where taking time to enter a fault before calling a technician is simply not possible.
  3. The technician should be providing a service to the customer.
  • Note: This does not apply to "Work Requests" of a low priority where the production person may want to enter the faults or work requests at their leasure, this functionality should still be available.

For production report see ticket #41.

#47 Gavin fixed Filterpane bug when selecting an operator but not inputting a value for ID and Integer attributes

See bug in grails plugin filterpane: This upstream bug report has been closed and is due for inclusion in filterpane-0.6.5 which has not been released yet.

Contributed a further improvement (grails plugin rev 59495) so that user input parsing is done in a type safe way. This is now fixed in grails-filterpane-0.6.6-SNAPSHOT

Fixed at r361 by upgrading plugin to the newly release 0.6.6-SNAPSHOT.

#49 Gavin fixed Budget status for Tasks
  • Please consider adding budget status to tasks.
  • Currently only 2 states but may be more possible.
  • Budget plannned and budget unplanned.
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