Custom Query (73 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 73)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#65 Gavin fixed Feature request: Adjust Task Groups

To assist filtering during planning. Instead of simply "Engineering Activities", this group could be split up into:

  • Electrical Dayshift
  • Electrical Nightshift
  • Mechanical Dayshift
  • Mechanical Nightshift

Existing databases could be updated by an SQL query searching for assingedGroups. Additional shifts could be easily added (e.g 3 shift pattern).

Also if the Task Group and Asset fit on the current Task Search view, or a new view. A planning view that also displays the assignedGroups would also make planning easier.

#70 Gavin fixed Feature request: Add a 'safetyRequirement' and 'mandatoryRegulatory' and 'positiveFault' flags to Task.
#71 Gavin fixed Remember inventoryItemPurchase search and sort.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.