1 | <html> |
2 | <head> |
3 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> |
4 | <meta name="layout" content="main" /> |
5 | <title>Show Task #${taskInstance.id}</title> |
6 | <nav:resources override="true"/> |
7 | <resource:tabView skin="tabviewCustom" /> |
8 | <resource:dateChooser /> |
9 | <g:javascript src="taskShow.js" /> |
10 | </head> |
11 | <body> |
12 | <div class="nav"> |
13 | <nav:renderSubItems group="nav"/> |
14 | </div> |
15 | <div class="body"> |
16 | <g:render template="/shared/messages" /> |
17 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.trash}" > |
18 | <div class="errors"> |
19 | <ul><li>This task is in the trash bin, but can be restored if required.<li><ul> |
20 | </div> |
21 | </g:if> |
22 | <g:hasErrors bean="${taskInstance}"> |
23 | <div class="errors"> |
24 | <g:renderErrors bean="${taskInstance}" as="list" /> |
25 | </div> |
26 | </g:hasErrors> |
27 | |
28 | <div class="tabHeader"> |
29 | <h1> |
30 | Task #${taskInstance.id} |
31 | |
32 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.approved}" > |
33 | <img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'cog.png')}" alt="Approved" title="Approved" /> |
34 | </g:if> |
35 | <g:if test="${taskRecurringScheduleInstance?.enabled}" > |
36 | <img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'arrow_refresh.png')}" alt="Recurrence Enabled" title="Recurrence Enabled" /> |
37 | </g:if> |
38 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.taskStatus.id == 2}" > |
39 | <img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'arrow_right.png')}" alt="In Progress" title="In Progress" /> |
40 | </g:if> |
41 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.attentionFlag}" > |
42 | <img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'flag_red.png')}" alt="Attention Flag" title="Attention Flag" /> |
43 | </g:if> |
44 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.taskStatus.id == 3}" > |
45 | <img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'tick.png')}" alt="Complete" title="Complete" /> |
46 | </g:if> |
47 | </h1> |
48 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.primaryAsset}" > |
49 | ${fieldValue(bean:taskInstance, field:'primaryAsset')}: |
50 | </g:if> |
51 | ${fieldValue(bean:taskInstance, field:'description')} |
52 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.safetyRequirement}" > |
53 | <img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'lightning.png')}" alt="Safety Requirement" title="Safety Requirement" /> |
54 | Safety |
55 | </g:if> |
56 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.regulatoryRequirement}" > |
57 | <img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'script_lightning.png')}" alt="Regulatory Requirement" title="Regulatory Requirement" /> |
58 | Regulatory |
59 | </g:if> |
60 | <g:if test="${taskInstance.mandatoryRequirement}" > |
61 | <img src="${resource(dir:'images/skin',file:'script.png')}" alt="Mandatory Requirement" title="Mandatory Requirement" /> |
62 | Mandatory |
63 | </g:if> |
64 | </div> |
65 | |
66 | <br/> |
67 | |
68 | <richui:tabView id="tabView"> |
69 | |
70 | <richui:tabLabels> |
71 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.task}" title="Details" /> |
72 | <g:if test="${taskProcedureExits}"> |
73 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.procedure}" title="Procedure (!)" /> |
74 | </g:if> |
75 | <g:else> |
76 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.procedure}" title="Procedure" /> |
77 | </g:else> |
78 | <g:if test="${taskRecurringScheduleExits}"> |
79 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.recurrence}" title="Recurrence (!)" /> |
80 | </g:if> |
81 | <g:else> |
82 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.recurrence}" title="Recurrence" /> |
83 | </g:else> |
84 | <g:if test="${!inventoryMovementList.isEmpty()}"> |
85 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.inventory}" title="Inventory (${inventoryMovementList.size()})" /> |
86 | </g:if> |
87 | <g:else> |
88 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.inventory}" title="Inventory (0)" /> |
89 | </g:else> |
90 | <g:if test="${subTaskInstanceTotal > 0}"> |
91 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.subTasks}" title="Sub Tasks (${subTaskInstanceTotal})" /> |
92 | </g:if> |
93 | <g:else> |
94 | <richui:tabLabel selected="${showTab.subTasks}" title="Sub Tasks (0)" /> |
95 | </g:else> |
96 | </richui:tabLabels> |
97 | |
98 | <richui:tabContents> |
99 | |
100 | <richui:tabContent> |
101 | <g:render template="showTaskTab" /> |
102 | </richui:tabContent> |
103 | |
104 | <richui:tabContent> |
105 | <g:render template="showProcedureTab" /> |
106 | </richui:tabContent> |
107 | |
108 | <richui:tabContent> |
109 | <g:render template="showRecurrenceTab" /> |
110 | </richui:tabContent> |
111 | |
112 | <richui:tabContent> |
113 | <g:render template="showInventoryTab" /> |
114 | </richui:tabContent> |
115 | |
116 | <richui:tabContent> |
117 | <g:render template="showSubTaskTab" /> |
118 | </richui:tabContent> |
119 | |
120 | </richui:tabContents> |
121 | </richui:tabView> |
122 | |
123 | </div> <!--body--> |
124 | </body> |
125 | </html> |