import grails.test.* /** * Integration tests for TaskSearchService. */ class TaskSearchServiceTests extends GroovyTestCase { // Data will be saved, not rolled back. // Be sure to clean up in tearDown(). boolean transactional = false def taskService def dateUtilService def taskSearchService def taskA def taskB def taskCount = 0 // Setup is called before each test. protected void setUp() { super.setUp() // Check environment state. assert Task.count() == 0 assert Entry.count() == 0 assert TaskModification.count() == 0 def p = [:] def result p = [taskGroup:TaskGroup.findByName("Engineering Activites"), taskPriority:TaskPriority.get(2), taskType:TaskType.get(1), leadPerson:Person.get(1), description:"TestA", comment:"Service test task.", targetStartDate:, targetCompletionDate:] result = assert result.error == null taskCount++ taskA = result.taskInstance.refresh() p.description = "TestB" result = assert result.error == null taskCount++ taskB = result.taskInstance.refresh() } // Tear down is called after each test. protected void tearDown() { super.tearDown() taskService.delete(taskA) taskService.delete(taskB) // Ensure that we leave environment clean. assert Task.count() == 0 assert TaskModification.count() == 0 assert Entry.count() == 0 } void testGetTasks() { // Todays tasks should be returned def tasks = taskSearchService.getTasks([:]) assert tasks.totalCount == taskCount // Tasks in the trash should not be returned. taskA.trash = true assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:]).totalCount == taskCount - 1 taskB.trash = true assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:]).totalCount == taskCount - 2 // Restored tasks should be returned. taskA.trash = false assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:]).totalCount == taskCount - 1 taskB.trash = false assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:]).totalCount == taskCount // Tomorrows tasks should not be returned. taskA.targetStartDate = dateUtilService.tomorrow taskA.targetCompletionDate = dateUtilService.tomorrow assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:]).totalCount == taskCount - 1 // Tomorrows tasks should be returned, if we ask for them. assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:],, dateUtilService.tomorrow+1).totalCount == taskCount // Yesterdays tasks should not be returned. taskA.targetStartDate = dateUtilService.yesterday taskA.targetCompletionDate = dateUtilService.yesterday assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:]).totalCount == taskCount - 1 // Yesterdays tasks should be returned, if we ask for them. assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:], dateUtilService.yesterday, dateUtilService.tomorrow).totalCount == taskCount // Tasks that span today should be returned. taskA.targetStartDate = dateUtilService.yesterday taskA.targetCompletionDate = dateUtilService.tomorrow assert taskSearchService.getTasks([:]).totalCount == taskCount } // testGetTasks() } // end class