/* Copyright 2010 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Provides a DSL for building and managing HQL strings. * For usage examples see the HqlBuilderTests. * HQL reference see http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.6/reference/en-US/html/queryhql.html * * Primary goals: * 1. Easy to read and understand in code. * 2. Easy to read and understand when printed (e.g when displayed in a report). * 3. Easy to execute with correct paginateParams and namedParams. * 4. Easy to change a clause and execute again. * * @author Gavin Kromhout * @version DraftA * */ class HqlBuilder { // Query clauses. // Each clause is a key with a list of terms. def clauses = [:] // HQL namedParams. // HQL requires the namedParams to match exactly with the clause expressions. def namedParams = [:] // HQL paginateParams. def paginateParams = [max: 1000, offset: 0] // It is easier and more flexible to simply add order as a clause, e.g: order 'by id asc' //def sort = "" // e.g. instanceName.id //def order = "" // e.g. asc or desc def HqlBuilder(debug = false) { if(!super.metaClass.hasMetaProperty('log')) mockLogging(debug) log.debug "HqlBuilder()" } def call() { log.debug "call()" } /** * Call with closure as last arg. * A typically used build call, e.g: q { } is equivalent to q.call() { } */ def call(Closure cl) { log.debug "call(Closure cl)" handleClosure(cl) } /** * Domain specific build method. * Has no real use other than to prevent obscure errors * when user makes a call to query() and Groovy calls query(Closure cl) * @returns This object. */ def query() { log.debug "query()" return this // Must return this object to q. } /** * Domain specific build method. * A typically used build call, e.g: def q = new HqlBuilder().query { } * * @param cl The supplied Closure. * @returns This object. * */ def query(Closure cl) { log.debug "query(Closure cl)" handleClosure(cl) return this // Must return this object to q. } /** * InvokeMethod resolves all undefined methods. * Which include the clause methods, e.g select 'book' is equivalent to select('book'). * Note that defined methods will be called directly since this class does not implement GroovyInterceptable. * If class was "HqlBuilder implements GroovyInterceptable" then even println would be intercepted and * several exlusions might be needed. e.g: if(methodName != 'call' && methodName != 'println') */ def invokeMethod(String name, args) { log.debug "invokeMethod(${methodName}, ${args})" if(!this.clauses[name]) this.clauses[name] = [] for(arg in args) { if(arg instanceof String) this.clauses[name] << arg } if(args[-1] instanceof Closure) handleClosure(args[-1]) } // invokeMethod() /** * PropertyMissing. * Allows clauses to be added after build, e.g: q.order = 'by book.name asc' * and clauses to be removed, e.g: q.order = null */ def propertyMissing(String name, value) { log.debug "propertyMissing(${propertyName}, ${value})" if(value == null) { clauses.remove(name) return } if(value instanceof String) clauses[name] = [value] } /** * PropertyMissing. * Allow clauses to be accessed directly by name, e.g: println q.order. * Since clauses is a Map null is simply returned for a non-existant clause. */ def propertyMissing(String name) { log.debug "propertyMissing(${name})" clauses[name] } /** * HandleClosure. * Setting delegate and DELEGATE_FIRST allows closure to access this object's properties first. */ private handleClosure(Closure cl) { cl.delegate = this cl.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST cl.call() } /** * MockLogging. * This class has super cow powers and can mock out it's own debug logging. */ private mockLogging(debug = false) { def mockLogger = {} if(debug) { mockLogger = {msg -> println "${super.getClass()} - DEBUG: $msg" } } super.metaClass.log = [debug: mockLogger] log.debug "Internal mockLogger configured." } /** * GetQuery. * Assemble and return the query in a format that can be directly executed. * E.g: executeQuery(q.query, q.namedParams, q.paginateParams). */ def getQuery() { this.clauses.collect { it.key + ' ' + it.value.join(' ') }.join(' ') } /** * GetPrintFormattedQuery. * Assemble and return the query in a format that can be more easily printed and read by a person. * E.g: println q.printFormattedQuery or when displayed in a report. */ def getPrintFormattedQuery() { this.clauses.collect { it.key + ' ' + it.value.join(' \n') }.join(' \n') } } // end class