import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.* //includeTargets << grailsScript("Init") /** * Compare and update the app.vcsRevision property in and metadata. * May be run directly by "grails update-rev" or from _Events.groovy by eventCompileStart. */ target(updateVcsRevision: "Update the app.vcsRevision property in and metadata.") { def result = [:] def fail = { Map m -> result.error = [ code: m.code, args: m.args ] println "Error: UpdateRev script - " + result.error return result } def url = basedir + "/" def propertiesFile = new File(url) if(!propertiesFile.isFile()) return fail(code:"", args:[url]) def appRevision = getAppRevision(propertiesFile) if(appRevision.error) return fail(code: appRevision.error.code, args: appRevision.error.args) def svnRevision = getSvnRevision() if(svnRevision.error) return fail(code: svnRevision.error.code, args: svnRevision.error.args) // Compare and update. if(appRevision.revision != svnRevision.revision) { println "app.vcsRevision: "+appRevision.revision +', SVN Revision: '+svnRevision.revision // Update metadata if already loaded. if(binding.variables.containsKey('metadata')) { //binding.variables.each { println it.key } // print available. def metadata = binding.variables['metadata'] metadata['app.vcsRevision'] = '$Rev: '+svnRevision.revision+' $' } // Update file. def writeResult = writeVcsRevision(propertiesFile, svnRevision.revision) if(writeResult.error) return fail(code: writeResult.error.code, args: writeResult.error.args) } // if(rev != rev) // Success. return result } // updateVcsRevision() /** * Get the app.vcsRevision property from properties file. * @retuns A map containing revision and lineNumber otherwise an error map. */ def getAppRevision(propertiesFile) { def result = [:] def fail = { Map m -> result.error = [ code: m.code, args: m.args ] return result } propertiesFile.eachLine { line, lineNumber -> // app.vcsRevision=$Rev: NUM $ if ( line =~ '^app.vcsRevision.' ) { if(line.size() > 23) { result.revision = line[22..-3] result.lineNumber = lineNumber } } } if(!result.revision || !result.lineNumber) return fail(code:"app.vcsRevision.not.found") // Success. return result } // getAppRevision() /** * Get the working copy's base revision from SVN. * @retuns A map containing revision otherwise an error map. */ def getSvnRevision() { def result = [:] def fail = { Map m -> result.error = [ code: m.code, args: m.args ] return result } def wc = new File(basedir) if(!wc.isDirectory()) return fail(code:"vcs.working.copy.not.found", args:[basedir]) // Use svnkit to get the base revision. def clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance() def wcClient = clientManager.getWCClient() try { result.revision = wcClient.doInfo(wc, SVNRevision.BASE).getRevision().toString() } catch(org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException e) { fail(code:"vcs.exception", args:[e]) } // Success. return result } // getSvnRevision() /** * Write revision to properties file. * @retuns An error map if any errors. */ def writeVcsRevision(propertiesFile, revision) { def result = [:] def fail = { Map m -> result.error = [ code: m.code, args: m.args ] return result } def revisionString = 'app.vcsRevision=\\$Rev: '+revision+' \\$' println "Updating with ${revisionString}" def processFileInplace = { file, Closure processText -> def text = file.text file.write(processText(text)) } processFileInplace(propertiesFile) { text -> text.replaceAll('app.vcsRevision.*', revisionString) } // Success. return result } // writeVcsRevision() setDefaultTarget(updateVcsRevision)