/** * JsUtil tags. * Javascript Utility tags. */ class JsUtilTagLib { static namespace = 'jsUtil' def js = new JsUtilService() /** * Resources. * To be included in the page head tag. */ def resources = { attrs -> out << g.javascript(src: "jsUtil.js") } /** * Toggle the visibility of an html element and update an image. * @param toggleId The html id of the element to toggle. * @param imageId The html id to apply to the image. * @param openImgUrl The url to apply as the image src when toggled element is visible. * @param closedImgUrl The url to apply as the image src when toggled element is hidden. * @param text The text, if any, to display. */ def toggleControl = { attrs -> def mkp = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(out) //this line will be unnecessary in versions of Grails after version 1.2 mkp.div() { a( href: js.toggleWithImg(attrs.toggleId, attrs.imageId, attrs.openImgUrl, attrs.closedImgUrl) ) { yieldUnescaped(attrs.text) img(id: attrs.imageId, src: attrs.closedImgUrl, alt: "Show") } } // mkp } // hideShowControl } // end class