import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.TimeCategory // the above will be deprecated and replaced by: groovy.time.TimeCategory /// @todo: consider moving this to org.gnumims.DateUtil /// pros: easy to use in domain classes. /// cons: have to import so pulls in all referenced imports? Injection probably does that anyway. /** * Provides some convenience methods for working with dates. */ class DateUtilService { boolean transactional = false //static scope = "request" /** * Get the start of today. * Can be call as or dateUtilService.getToday(). * @returns A Date object with today's date and all time fields set to 0. */ public static Date getToday() { return getMidnight(new Date()) } /** * Get the start of tomorrow. * Can be call as dateUtilService.tomorrow or dateUtilService.getTomorrow(). * @returns A Date object with tomorrow's date and all time fields set to 0. */ public static Date getTomorrow() { return (getToday() + 1) as Date } /** * Get the start of yesterday. * Can be call as dateUtilService.yesterday or dateUtilService.getYesterday(). * @returns A Date object with yesterday's date and all time fields set to 0. */ public static Date getYesterday() { return (getToday() - 1) as Date } /** * Get the start of the day one week ago. * Can be call as dateUtilService.oneWeekAgo or dateUtilService.getOneWeekAgo(). * @returns A Date object with the date one week ago and all time fields set to 0. */ public static Date getOneWeekAgo() { return (getToday() - 7) as Date } /** * Get the start of the day one week ago. * Can be call as dateUtilService.oneWeekAgo or dateUtilService.getOneWeekAgo(). * @returns A Date object with the date one week ago and all time fields set to 0. */ public static Date getOneWeekFromNow() { return (getToday() + 7) as Date } /** * Get the start of a given date by setting all time fields to 0. * The Calendar.getInstance() or Calendar.instance factory returns a new calendar instance, usually * a Gregorian calendar but using Calendar we don't have to worry about those details. * The time fields are then set to zero and cal.getTime() or cal.time returns a java.util.Date object. * @param date The Date object to start with. * @returns A Date object having the given date and all time fields set to 0, so the very start of the given day. */ public static Date getMidnight(Date date) { Calendar cal = Calendar.instance cal.setTime(date) cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0) cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0) cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0) cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0) cal.time } /** * Get the date one month in the future. * @param date The Date object to start with. * @returns A Date object one month in the future. */ public static Date getNextMonth(Date date) { use(TimeCategory) { date + 1.months } } /** * Get the date one month ago. * @param date The Date object to start with. * @returns A Date object one month ago. */ public static Date getPreviousMonth(Date date) { use(TimeCategory) { date - 1.months } } /** * Get the date plus x years. * @param date The Date object to start with, defaults to today. * @param plusYears The number of years to add, defaults to 1. * @returns A Date object adjusted by x years. */ public static Date plusYear(Date date = new Date(), Integer plusYears = 1) { use(TimeCategory) { date + plusYears.years } } /** * Make a date object from supplied year, month, day values. * The Calendar.getInstance() or Calendar.instance factory returns a new calendar instance, usually * a Gregorian calendar but using Calendar we don't have to worry about those details. * The time fields are set to zero and cal.getTime() or cal.time returns a java.util.Date object. * @param year The year as a string or integer. * @param month The month as a string or integer, defaults to 1 (i.e. January). * @param day The day as a string or integer, defaults to 1. * @returns A Date object having the given date and all time fields set to 0, so the very start of the given day. */ public static Date makeDate(year, month=1, day=1) { Calendar cal = Calendar.instance cal.clear() // Stupid month is 0-based, grumble. cal.set(year.toInteger(), month.toInteger()-1, day.toInteger()) cal.time } /** * Get the day of month from supplied date. * @param date The date to extract the day of month from. * @returns An integer representing the day of the month. */ public static Integer getDayFromDate(Date date) { Calendar cal = Calendar.instance cal.setTime(date) cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) } /** * Get the month from supplied date. * @param date The date to extract the month from. * @returns An integer representing the month. */ public static Integer getMonthFromDate(Date date) { Calendar cal = Calendar.instance cal.setTime(date) cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1 // Stupid month is 0-based, grumble. } /** * Get the year from supplied date. * @param date The date to extract the year from. * @returns An integer representing the year. */ public static Integer getYearFromDate(Date date) { Calendar cal = Calendar.instance cal.setTime(date) cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) } }