import net.kromhouts.HqlBuilder /** * Service class that encapsulates the business logic for Asset Reports. */ class AssetReportService { boolean transactional = false def authService def dateUtilService // def messageSource def g = new org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.ApplicationTagLib() def paramsMax = 100000 /** * Selects and returns the assets and their details. * @param params The request params, may contain params to specify the search. * @param locale The locale to use when generating result.message. */ def getAssetRegister(params, locale) { def result = [:] // Inner join used to return only attribTypes that are used by AssetExtendedAttributes. // So the result is only asset extendedAttributeTypes. def attribTypesQ = new HqlBuilder().query { select 'distinct' from 'AssetExtendedAttribute attrib', 'join attrib.extendedAttributeType as attribT' order 'by asc' } result.attribTypes = Asset.executeQuery(attribTypesQ.query, attribTypesQ.namedParams) // A result is returned for every asset and for any extended attributes. def q = new HqlBuilder().query { select 'new map( as name', 'asset.description as description', 'asset.comment as comment', ' as attribType', 'attrib.value as attribValue)' from 'Asset asset', 'left join asset.assetExtendedAttributes as attrib', 'left join attrib.extendedAttributeType as attribT' if(params.section instanceof Section) { namedParams.section = params.section where 'asset.section = :section' } order 'by asc, asc' } def assetResults = Asset.executeQuery(q.query, q.namedParams) // Build the report table row for each asset. // Rows are keyed by and the value is a Map of the attributes. def rows = [:] assetResults.each { assetResult -> // Create row if it does not exist yet. if(!rows.containsKey( { rows[] = ['name', 'description':assetResult.description, 'comment':assetResult.comment] // Add all attribType columns. result.attribTypes.each { column -> rows[][column] = null } } // Assign value to column. rows[][assetResult.attribType] = assetResult.attribValue } // The value of each row is the dataList used by the report table. result.dataList = rows.collect {it.value} // Success. return result } // getAssetRegister /** * Selects and returns an asset (or all) and its details. * @param params The request params, may contain params to specify the search. * @param locale The locale to use when generating result.message. */ def getAssetDetail(params, locale) { //def result = [:] def result //result.summaryOfCalculationMethod = '' // A result is returned for every asset and for any extended attributes. // The report then groups by def q = new HqlBuilder().query { select 'new map( as name', 'asset.description as description', 'asset.comment as comment', ' as attribType', 'attrib.value as attribValue)' from 'Asset asset', 'left join asset.assetExtendedAttributes as attrib', 'left join attrib.extendedAttributeType as attribT' if(params.asset instanceof Asset) { namedParams.asset = params.asset where 'asset = :asset' } order 'by asc, asc' } // result.dataList = Asset.list() result = Asset.executeQuery(q.query, q.namedParams) // Success. return result } // getAssetDetail /** * Selects and returns level 1 sub items (aka machines or equipment) and their details. * @param params The request params, may contain params to specify the search. * @param locale The locale to use when generating result.message. */ def getEquipmentRegister(params, locale) { def result = [:] // Inner join used to return only attribTypes that are used by AssetSubItemExtendedAttributes. // So the result is only assetSubItem extendedAttributeTypes. def attribTypesQ = new HqlBuilder().query { select 'distinct' from 'AssetSubItemExtendedAttribute attrib', 'join attrib.extendedAttributeType as attribT' order 'by asc' } result.attribTypes = Asset.executeQuery(attribTypesQ.query, attribTypesQ.namedParams) // Since there will be nothing to show in the report table for assets without level 1 assetSubItems, // a list needs to be given to the user. def assetsWithoutEquipmentQ = new HqlBuilder().query { select 'distinct asset' from 'Asset asset', 'left join asset.assetSubItems as assetSubItem' where 'assetSubItem = null' } result.assetsWithoutEquipment = AssetSubItem.executeQuery(assetsWithoutEquipmentQ.query, assetsWithoutEquipmentQ.namedParams) // A result is returned for every level 1 assetSubItem and for any extended attributes. def q = new HqlBuilder().query { select 'new map( as assetName', ' as name', 'assetSubItem.description as description', 'assetSubItem.comment as comment', ' as attribType', 'attrib.value as attribValue)' from 'AssetSubItem assetSubItem', 'inner join assetSubItem.assets as asset', 'left join assetSubItem.assetSubItemExtendedAttributes as attrib', 'left join attrib.extendedAttributeType as attribT' where 'asset != null' // ensure that only level 1 assetSubItems are returned. if(params.section instanceof Section) { namedParams.section = params.section and 'asset.section = :section' } order 'by asc, asc, asc' } def equipmentResults = AssetSubItem.executeQuery(q.query, q.namedParams) // Build the report table rows. // Rows are keyed by` while the value is a Map of the attributes. // The report table then groups by assetName. def rows = [:] equipmentResults.each { equipmentResult -> // Create row if it does not exist yet. def rowKey = if(!rows.containsKey(rowKey)) { rows[rowKey] = ['assetName': equipmentResult.assetName, 'name', 'description':equipmentResult.description, 'comment':equipmentResult.comment] // Add all attribType columns. result.attribTypes.each { column -> rows[rowKey][column] = null } } // Assign value to column. rows[rowKey][equipmentResult.attribType] = equipmentResult.attribValue } // The value of each row is the dataList used by the report table. result.dataList = rows.collect {it.value} // Print formatting, since we are done with these as objects. result.attribTypes = result.attribTypes.join(', ') result.assetsWithoutEquipment = result.assetsWithoutEquipment.collect {}.join(', ') // Success. return result } // getEquipmentRegister } // end class