class InventoryItem { InventoryGroup inventoryGroup InventoryType inventoryType UnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure InventoryLocation inventoryLocation Picture picture Supplier preferredSupplier String name String description = "" String comment = "" BigDecimal estimatedUnitPriceAmount Currency estimatedUnitPriceCurrency String suppliersPartNumber Integer unitsInStock = 0 Integer reorderPoint = 0 Integer reorderQuantity = 1 boolean isActive = true boolean isObsolete = false boolean enableReorderListing = true static mapping = { picture cascade: 'all-delete-orphan', lazy: true, inverse: true } static hasMany = [spareFor: Asset, inventoryMovements: InventoryMovement, alternateSuppliers: Supplier] // static belongsTo = [] static constraints = { picture(nullable:true) name(unique:true, blank:false, maxSize:50) description(maxSize:255) comment(maxSize:500) unitsInStock(min:0) unitOfMeasure() inventoryLocation() inventoryGroup() inventoryType() isActive() isObsolete() enableReorderListing() reorderPoint(min:0) reorderQuantity(min:1) estimatedUnitPriceAmount(nullable:true, max: new BigDecimal(1000000000000)) estimatedUnitPriceCurrency(nullable:true) suppliersPartNumber(blank:true, nullable:true, maxSize:50) preferredSupplier(nullable:true) } String toString() {"${}"} static searchable = { only = ['name', 'description', 'comment', 'isActive', 'isObsolete', 'inventoryLocation', 'inventoryGroup', 'spareFor'] //name boost: 1.5 inventoryLocation component: true inventoryGroup component: true spareFor component: true } // This additional setter is used to convert the checkBoxList string or string array // of ids selected to the corresponding domain objects. public void setAlternateSuppliersFromCheckBoxList(ids) { def idList = [] if(ids instanceof String) { if(ids.isInteger()) idList << ids.toLong() } else { ids.each() { if(it.isInteger()) idList << it.toLong() } } this.alternateSuppliers = idList.collect { Supplier.get( it ) } } // This additional setter is used to convert the checkBoxList string or string array // of ids selected to the corresponding domain objects. public void setSpareForFromCheckBoxList(ids) { def idList = [] if(ids instanceof String) { if(ids.isInteger()) idList << ids.toLong() } else { ids.each() { if(it.isInteger()) idList << it.toLong() } } this.spareFor = idList.collect { Asset.get( it ) } } }