class Asset { Section section String name String description = "" String comment = "" boolean isActive = true static hasMany = [assetSubItems: AssetSubItem, maintenanceActions: MaintenanceAction, assetExtendedAttributes: AssetExtendedAttribute] static belongsTo = [Section] static constraints = { name(maxSize:50, unique:true, blank:false) description(maxSize:75) comment(maxSize:500) isActive() section() } String toString() { "${}" } // This additional setter is used to convert the checkBoxList string or string array // of ids selected to the corresponding domain objects. public void setAssetSubItemsFromCheckBoxList(ids) { def idList = [] if(ids instanceof String) { if(ids.isInteger()) idList << ids.toInteger() } else { ids.each() { if(it.isInteger()) idList << it.toInteger() } } this.assetSubItems = idList.collect { AssetSubItem.get( it ) } } }