import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.Secured class PictureDetailedController extends BaseController { def index = { redirect(action:list, params:params) } // the delete, save and update actions only accept POST requests static allowedMethods = [delete:'POST', save:'POST', update:'POST'] def list = { prepareList() [ list: Picture.list(params), paginateCount: Picture.count() ] } void prepareList() { if (!params.max) { params.max = 10 } if (!params.order) { params.order = "desc" } if (!params.sort) { params.sort = "id" } } def show = { // In the case of an actionSubmit button, rewrite action name from 'index'. if(params._action_Show) { params.action='show' } def picture = Picture.get( ) if(!picture) { flash.message = "Picture not found." redirect(action:list) } else { [ picture : picture ] } } def delete = { def picture = Picture.get( def inventoryItem = InventoryItem.get(picture?.inventoryItem?.id) if (inventoryItem && picture) { Picture.withTransaction { status -> inventoryItem.picture = null picture.delete() } flash.message = "Picture ${} deleted" redirect(controller: "inventoryItemDetailed", action: show, id: } else { if(picture) { flash.message = "Removing orphan picture ${}." picture.delete(flush:true) redirect(action: list) } else { flash.message = "Picture not found" redirect(action: list) } } } def edit = { // In the case of an actionSubmit button, rewrite action name from 'index'. if(params._action_Edit) { params.action='edit' } def picture = Picture.get( if (!picture) { flash.message = "Picture not found" redirect(action: list) } else { [ picture : picture ] } } def update = { def picture = Picture.get( def inventoryItem = picture?.inventoryItem if (inventoryItem && picture) { if(params.version) { def version = params.version.toLong() if(picture.version > version) { picture.errors.rejectValue("version", "picture.optimistic.locking.failure", "Another user has updated this Picture while you were editing.") render(view:'edit',model:[picture:picture]) return } } = params if (!picture.hasErrors()) { def imaging = new Imaging() def images = imaging.updateAll(picture) boolean result = false Picture.withTransaction{ status -> result = } if (result) { flash.message = "Picture ${} updated" redirect(action: show, id: } else { render(view: 'edit', model: [ picture: picture ]) } } else { render(view: 'edit', model: [ picture: picture ]) } } else { flash.message = "Picture not updated, picture or inventory item not found." redirect(action: list) } } def create = { if(!params.inventoryItem?.id) { flash.message = "Please select an inventory item and then 'Add Picture'." redirect(controller: "inventoryItemDetailed", action: 'search') return } def picture = new Picture() = params [ picture: picture ] } def save = { def inventoryItem = InventoryItem.get( if (inventoryItem) { if(inventoryItem.picture) { flash.message = "Inventory item already has a picture, please delete the old picture first." redirect(controller: 'inventoryItemDetailed', action: 'show', id: return } def picture = new Picture(params) def multiPartFile = request.getFile('file') def imaging = new Imaging() def images = null if (multiPartFile && !multiPartFile.isEmpty()) { if (multiPartFile.getSize() > Image.MAX_SIZE) { picture.errors.rejectValue('file', 'picture.file.maxSize.exceeded', [ 'file', 'Picture', Image.MAX_SIZE ] as Object[], 'Property [{0}] of class [{1}] image file is too big (maximum [{2}] bytes)') } else { try { images = imaging.createAll(inventoryItem, picture, multiPartFile.inputStream) } catch(Exception ex) { log.error("picture save", ex) picture.errors.rejectValue('file', 'picture.file.unrecognised', [ 'file', 'Picture', multiPartFile.originalFilename ] as Object[], 'Property [{0}] of class [{1}] image file [{2}]: type not recognised') } } } else { picture.errors.rejectValue('file', 'picture.file.missing', ['file', 'Picture', ''] as Object[], 'Property [{0}] of class [{1}] no file specified') } if (images && !picture.hasErrors()) { boolean result = false Picture.withTransaction { status -> images.each { image -> picture.addToImages(image) } result = inventoryItem.picture = picture } if (result) { flash.message = "Picture ${} created" redirect(controller: 'inventoryItemDetailed', action: 'show', id: } else { render(view: 'create', model: [ picture: picture ]) } } else { render(view: 'create', model: [ picture: picture ]) } } else { flash.message = "Picture not created, inventory item not found." redirect(action: list) } } def view = { def picture = Picture.get( def size = params.size ? Integer.parseInt(params.size) : Image.Small def image = picture ? Image.findByPictureAndSize(picture, size) : null if (picture && image) { response.setContentType(image.contentType) response.setContentLength( response.setHeader('filename', image.filename()) OutputStream out = response.outputStream out.write( out.close() } else { response.sendError(404) } } }