package gnumims.functional import gnumims.functional.pages.HomePage import gnumims.functional.pages.LoginPage import spock.lang.Stepwise @Stepwise class LoginSpec extends GebReportingSpecBase { def "We start at the login page"() { when: go getBaseUrl() then: $("h1").text() == "Welcome to gnuMims please log in" } def "When we click login we go to the home page"() { when: to LoginPage form.j_username = "admin" form.j_password = "pass" then: at(HomePage) } def "When we click logout, we go back to the login page"() { when: to HomePage then: at(LoginPage) } def "If we type in the wrong password"() { when: to LoginPage form.j_username = "admin" form.j_password = "bogus" then: $("div.login_message").text() == "[admin] wrong username/password." } }