import geb.spock.GebReportingSpec import gnumims.functional.pages.HomePage import gnumims.functional.pages.LoginPage /** * Provides a base class for functional testing. * Significantly speedup functional test development: * Run `grails test run-app`. * In a separate process run `grails interactive` * At the prompt `test-app functional: -baseUrl=http://localhost:8080/gnuMims -echoOut` * Hit enter to repeat tests very quickly. */ class GebReportingSpecBase extends GebReportingSpec { def appName = grails.util.Metadata.current.'' String getBaseUrl() { "http://localhost:8080/$appName/" } File getReportDir() { new File("target/test-reports/geb-pages") } /** * Logs into the application either via a target page that requires * authentication or by directly requesting the login page. */ def login(username, password, targetPage = null, params = [:]) { if (targetPage) { to([*:params], targetPage) page LoginPage } else { to LoginPage } form.j_username = username form.j_password = password //if (targetPage) if (targetPage) // gnuMims will always start at HomePage. else } }