Directory src/grails-app/views/task/

Directory Created:
2009-01-19 20:31
Directory Deleted:
2009-04-05 15:41
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

src/grails-app/views/task/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 29 (100.0%) 930 (100.0%) 32.0
gav 25 (86.2%) 535 (57.5%) 21.4
gavin 4 (13.8%) 395 (42.5%) 98.7

Most Recent Commits

gav 2009-04-05 15:41 Rev.: 103

Rename /src to /appsrc in preparation for moving /trunk/src/* to /trunk/

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: create.gsp (del), edit.gsp (del), list.gsp (del), show.gsp (del)
gav 2009-03-31 05:43 Rev.: 96

Implemented the bulk of AssignedPerson domain

42 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: create.gsp (+1 -1), edit.gsp (+20 -19), list.gsp (+1 -1), show.gsp (+20 -14)
gav 2009-03-29 23:56 Rev.: 93

Rename Modification and ModificationType domains to TaskModification and TaskModificationType respectively. Re-generate controller and views. Update ERD. It's an evil but a necessary mouthful as we may want to track other modifications later.

7 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: edit.gsp (+5 -5), show.gsp (+2 -2)
gav 2009-03-24 16:07 Rev.: 89

TaskRewrite has satisfied its purpose so moved to /trunk.

393 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: create.gsp (new 92), edit.gsp (new 100), list.gsp (new 63), show.gsp (new 138)
gav 2009-03-24 16:03 Rev.: 88

Remove /trunk/src in preparation for copy of /branches/TaskRewrite/src move.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: create.gsp (del), edit.gsp (del), list.gsp (del), show.gsp (del)
gav 2009-02-03 22:51 Rev.: 50

Trying some different layouts in task edit/create.
Display entries in task show page.
Some more tuning of CSS.

58 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: edit.gsp (+10 -17), show.gsp (+48 -22)
gav 2009-02-03 18:06 Rev.: 49

Work on Task logic and entry creation

20 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: edit.gsp (+20 -40)
gav 2009-02-01 14:40 Rev.: 47

Change Person attribute of Task to leadPerson, update views and Bootstrap to suite.
Make entire row of Task list view clickable and go directly to edit.

15 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: create.gsp (+3 -3), edit.gsp (+3 -3), list.gsp (+7 -8), show.gsp (+2 -2)
gavin 2009-01-19 20:31 Rev.: 21

Remove TypeOfClass and change to ClassType. Update ERD to match.
Create and add openMimLogo/Icon.
Generate-all *.
Configure BootStrap and add entries, some not saving yet.
Update DatabaseDesign.tex and index.gsp

395 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • src/grails-app/views/task: create.gsp (new 92), edit.gsp (new 127), list.gsp (new 64), show.gsp (new 112)
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