Directory grails-app/views/appConfig/

Directory Created:
2009-12-21 11:48
Total Files:
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Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

grails-app/views/appConfig/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
gav 8 (100.0%) 273 (100.0%) 34.1

Most Recent Commits

gav 2010-01-14 20:35 Rev.: 265

Start of asset tree refactor.
Tweak !AppConfig.groovy maxSize values and regenerate views.
Add page_copy.png

22 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • grails-app/views/appConfig: create.gsp (+7 -7), edit.gsp (+7 -7), list.gsp (+4 -4), show.gsp (+4 -4)
gav 2009-12-21 11:48 Rev.: 234

New !AppConfig class for storing application configuration settings in the database.
Service class, unit tests, views and controller to suite.

251 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • grails-app/views/appConfig: create.gsp (new 64), edit.gsp (new 68), list.gsp (new 55), show.gsp (new 64)
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